80th Anniversary of The Lonely Memorial

80th Anniversary of The Lonely Memorial 80 years ago, not long after D-Day, on 24th July 1944 a Whitley bomber came down in a field behind Weston Underwood with the loss of all five aircrew, aged only 18 to 24. On Saturday 20th July at 2pm there will be a short ceremony on the site of The Lonely Memorial to remember the crew who died. It will be attended by members of the ATC 620 squadron and the short service will be led by The Reverend Pete Evens from Derbyshire Rural Chaplaincy. If you would like to attend the ceremony, it would be a nice walk across fields, which can be approached from the lane opposite the Cock Inn or footpaths behind Weston Underwood. After consultation with Leasow Farm, closer to the date, a map will be produced with the best route. If you are interested in joining us, please email Ian Sutton at ijdsutton@icloud.com for a copy of the map and further details; or you could refer to the noticeboard in Mugginton Church porch.

‘We will remember them’



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