St Michael's, Kirk Langley

St. Michael’s Church is a Grade 1 listed building. The major part of the church dates back to 1320 but some parts are thought to be Saxon, dating back as far as the 800s. Major renovations and alterations took place in 1839, and again in 1885. Leaflets exist giving a brief but detailed description of the church and its layout. In addition, in 1995, NADFAS (National Association of Decorative and Fine Arts Society) made a complete record of church furnishings. The Church Warden is the custodian of this book and it may be borrowed from him for viewing.

Our services last for approximately 1 hour.  There is an area for children to play and refreshments are served at the end of the service.  All are welcome.

For details of the services in church, please click on he 'Calendar' tab.

About the village

Kirk Langley is an agricultural village located between Derby and Ashbourne on the A52 with easy access to other major routes.  The parish covers a wide area including the small hamlet of Meynell Langley where the Patron resides.  The population of the village is approximately 650 to 700 with around 80 children.  The housing is largely private with some small low cost housing, particularly on the new estates.  At the west end of the village is a small industrial site which employs about 30 people.  The community covers all age ranges with the working population commuting to work in nearby towns and cities.  There are a number of working (arable and stock) farms located in the village.

The Church of England village school is a primary school located in the centre of the village on Moor Lane.  The school was recently expanded and can take up to 105 pupils with nearly 100 on roll at present. St. Michael’s church is located in Church Lane.  Adjacent to the church is the Village Hall (formerly known as the Leeke Memorial Hall).  The Hall is owned by the church but is run by a small management committee.  It is used by village and non-village organisations.

The village has a number of active sports and social organisations including Women’s Institute, Cricket and Football clubs, Drama Group and Social Committee.  See the Village website

There is an hourly bus service to both Derby and Ashbourne which runs through the village


Our Parish Safeguarding Officer for St Michael’s Kirk Langley is Bill Clarke his contact details are 07968 707082 e-mail:, for further information regarding Safeguarding please see the information under the 'Safeguarding' tab on this site.



Upcoming Events

Sunday 9th March
8:00am -
9:15am -
9:30am -
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