Those attending All Saints' Church in Mugginton on 18th May shared a great evening assisted by warm evening sunshine. Drinks and canapés were enjoyed by an audience of 61 people outside church, making the most of the weather and a rich countryside landscape.
The entertainment began with a rich acoustic set from local singer songwriter John Stamp, followed by songs from Cole Moreton, both accompanied by local slide guitarist Jim Widdop. Cole Moreton then shared some stories from his life as an award winning interviewer, and introduced the audience to his recently published book ‘ Everything is Extraordinary’. After a short break Cole asked the audience to recount stories about the most amazing people they had met in their lifetimes and we were rewarded by four people contributing eloquently, from their own life changing encounters. John , Cole and Jim then rounded off the evening with three more fine songs. All in all an enjoyable and memorable evening was shared by those who attended ‘. Oh..........and there was even time for a little face painting!
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Cole Moreton in Mugginton a great success!
Upcoming Events
Sunday 26th January
9:30am -
Morning Prayer at St Michael's, Kirk Langley
9:30am -
Holy Communion at All Saints', Mugginton
11:15am -
All Age Holy Communion at St Chad's, Longford
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